Friday, December 31, 2010

County Commision will have 5 Members

The sweetwater county commission will have five new members, not four, when the new year begins Monday. On Thursday, the only leftover commissioner, Paula Wonnacott, resigned from the commission. The two remaining lame duck commissioners, Randy Walker and Debby Dellai Baese, then appointed former Green River Mayor Don Van Matre. Wonnacott said in her letter of resignation that she felt the county was headed to " business as usual" when the four new commissioners take the oath of office on Monday. Wonnacott also said that the new commissioners would remove all the good things the current commission has accomplished in the past two years.
Wonnacott was not in the meeting room when Chair Dellai Baese read the resignation letter. In fact, Baese broke down while reading the letter, and Walker had to finish reading Wonnacotts comments. Following the acceptance of the resignation, the commissioners moved to appoint Van Matre. Van Matre will serve out Wonnacotts remaing two years. Van Matre was sworn in as a commissioner following the 2-0 vote.
Because Wonnacott was elected as an independent candidate, the commisioners were not obligated to submit the vacancy to a political party, like the republican or democratic party.
The commissioners, which at the time included Wonnacott, elected not to advertise the position to the general public but instead apparently recruited Van Matre for the job. The commisioners were conducting general business Thursday morning with Wonnacott in attendance, however, following a five minute break, Walker and Baese returned to the meeting , Wonnacott did not, and read Wonnacotts letter and then appointed Van Matre.
Van Matre will join Jon Kolb, Gary Bailiff, Reid West, and Wally Johnson as new commissioners this Monday.

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